What is Totally Unexpected?
Welcome to Totally Unexpected! Where you can find my free flowing, stream of consciousness, unfiltered thoughts, and ideas. I process the twists and turns of life by sharing it with you. I hope this also helps you process your own struggles and joys.
I think of myself as a juggler: leading a Jewish community with my sushi loving husband, caring for my five rambunctious kids (who are adopted), and living in the Wild West of Montana, where it’s ALWAYS winter (or so it feels). It’s an art to be juggler, to live our fullest potential and still have very real lives. Not the perfect, glossy, manicured ones we so often encounter. I am here to be real.
What can you expect?
I will be publishing blogposts every week. One week will be a fresh, new essay, and the next week will be a re-release of an archived essay from my original blog, Clear as Mud. This way you can find all my writing here, in one place.
What else do I offer?
New Totally Unexpected! Podcast
The Totally Unexpected! podcast features interviews with people who inspire me. My guests range from scholars, to healers, to moms just like me. I want to talk with everyone because we all have an unexpected story that shapes who we are in some way. The first episode will be released on Monday, September 9th and you can expect a new episode in your feed every other week.
Exclusive Instagram Monologues
If you follow me on Instagram, then you are already familiar with my occasional monologues and daily running diary of my life in my stories. That will still be there for free for everyone. However, I will now be posting even more content. Longer monologues, more frequently, and the occasional BTS view of my life. This will only be available to my Instagram subscribers.