I’m sitting on a plane with my laptop open, racing against a deadline to finish this essay. A few things come to mind. First, when I’m on a plane without my kids, it’s my time to zone out, not work!
I know some people get a lot done while flying—my husband is one of them— but I’m definitely not. Second, deadlines. Since when did I start working with deadlines? I’ve always posted or shared content whenI felt moved to, never on a schedule or under pressure. That’s how I managed my blog and social media while being a mom and co-directing Chabad-Lubavitch of Montana.
Yet, here I am, on a plane, with a deadline for a very good reason. I am launching a new podcast! I’ve wanted to do this for years but the immense time commitment—and a healthy dose of fear—kept it on the back burner. Over the last six months, I’ve felt this deep desire and intuition to expand and create, to see what else life has in store for me. So, I’m taking the plunge—fear in one hand, excitement in the other—and showing up in the most exposed way I ever have.
Yes, I’ve shared my story before, and I don’t shy away from loaded, nuanced, and scary topics. But this is a whole new world. I have so much respect for all the podcasters out there—it’s way harder than I thought, but it’s also the most fun I’ve ever had!
I love people. I love hearing their stories. I want to know who they are, how they got there, what didn’t go as expected, and what they did about it. That passion and curiosity led to the creation of my podcast, “Totally Unexpected.” I will be releasing episodes (available wherever you get your podcasts) every other Monday, starting September 9th, featuring interviews with people who inspire me. There will also be a Q&A segment to address questions and topics that you guys want me to talk to about. Look out for the prompt in my stories and go crazy!
From experience and maturity, I knew I couldn’t bring this vision to life alone. So I hired Elie Benhiyoun and his team from Gro to help me launch it. Now you know why I’m on this plane, writing on a deadline—I’ve got a boss! Lol. We’ve been working hard for months, and I can hardly believe we’re ready to share it with the world. It’s been my little secret project for what feels like forever.
This podcast feels like a natural progression from the first iteration of my brand, Clear as Mud, to a new one, with longer-form content and deep, meaningful conversations. I’m incredibly fortunate, and so excited to finally bring you all along on this journey. As part of this new phase, I’m creating a more cohesive experience across everything I offer. My blog is moving to Substack, where I’ll be releasing fresh, new essays every other week, alongside archived essays from Clear as Mud. This way, all my blog posts will be available in one place.
On Instagram, I’ll be offering a subscription option for longer, exclusive monologues and behind-the-scenes content. Everything you’re already getting from me—stories, posts, monologues—will still be there for free, but there will be even more content available for subscribers.
I’m beyond excited and it feels fitting that it’s all happening just a few weeks after my birthday! Turning forty is awesome because we are finally comfortable to embrace who we are, to use our gifts to make a difference. I love you all. Thank you for being the most supportive and encouraging community ever.