7 Tips For a Successful Family Photoshoot
Originally published in clearasmud.blog on April 29, 2021.
If you know me, you know how passionate I am about family photos—actually, photos in general. The number one comment I get from people when they come to our home is: “Omg, your photos are stunning! Who’s your photographer? You are so good for making it happen! How do you make it happen?”
It got me wondering: what if people just need a little push or a couple of valuable tips to make this more of a reality for themselves? Here’s the truth: what do people grab when escaping a fire? Photos! Photos are our memories, our link to the past, present, and future. Photos are a lot more than just a picture on a wall.
So, I sat down with Doug and Stana from Loneman Photography, an amazing husband-and-wife duo who have been shooting our family photos since 2009. Doug snaps the pictures, and Stana helps manage the family, coordinates, facilitates photo selection after the shoot, and everything in-between. They are the perfect team.
When we chatted, they shared valuable insights that I’m excited to pass on to you.
Tips for a Successful Family Photoshoot
1. Research Your Photographer
Check out their portfolio. Do you like their aesthetic? If their style doesn’t resonate with you, they’re probably not the right fit.
Trust is also crucial. If you don’t trust your photographer, it will affect the shoot, and that tension will show in your pictures. Try to let go and place your faith in the professional you hired. You wouldn’t do your own plumbing—you’d hire a plumber. At least, most of us would!
2. Respect Their Expertise
Your photographer has likely spent time understanding the location, lighting, wind patterns, etc. It’s not helpful to micromanage where and how they shoot. That said, if you have specific ideas or preferences, communicate them ahead of time. Remember, you’re the client, and they want you to be happy!

3. Capture Individual Moments
Try to get a photo of each individual child with you and your spouse. This is super powerful and will mean a lot to your child in the moment and down the road. They will know how important they are to you not only as a family unit but as an individual.

In the same vein, get a picture with your significant other, as it is you two—the parent team and the solid bond that unites you—that makes you both the center of the family.
4. Communicate in Advance
Communicate in advance any concerns or fears you might have. The more you share, the more you’re set up for success. For example: “I need to make sure my knees are always covered.”
5. Choose a Color Theme
Picking the color theme of clothing is important. The season and location of your shoot really matter. For example, in the fall, it makes sense to have a punch of color, and in the summer, more muted shades, but again it really depends on where you’re shooting. Also, you don’t need all your children to match, but you do want the colors to work together, or it can make for some chaotic-looking photos.
Working with the color wheel can be very helpful. Many times, you can get paint swatches that tell you a few colors that work well together—it’s a great way to get some ideas. There are some great resources online that can give you some ideas. I will link some here:

6. Bring Snacks
Hungry people make for cranky people! A little bribery never hurts, just saying!

7. Let Go of Perfection & Have Fun
Saved the best for last! That’s where the magic is at! Taking family photos does not need to be stressful. Make it fun; make it something your kids won’t dread. Don’t worry about your kids’ behavior! Ask yourself: what do I want to see in twenty years? A perfect pose or the personality and soul of your child at that age? Do you want to see a fake smile or something that evokes genuine memories?
What Should You Expect from Your Photographer?
The photographer you hire should be fully engaged and present. They should have a location that meets the needs and wants that you communicated. They should be able to pivot in case the plans they had aren’t working due to weather, family dynamics, or anything else that arises.
Let them worry about finding the best angle for you! Try to let go of that insecurity! I know it’s hard, but it’s worthwhile!
To quote Doug and Stana, “Customer service doesn’t end once we get your money.” Some photographers want to hand a disc of the digital images and never hear from you again. There is tremendous value in actually printing some of your photos—they don’t do you a ton of good sitting on your computer in some obscure file.
Choosing prints can be quite overwhelming. What I love about Loneman Photography is that after your shoot, you can book a session with them, and they help you narrow down your selection to the best of the best. They don’t try to sell you more than you need. Oftentimes, Stana has to tell me, “Chavie, you don’t need that photo!” This is a very valuable service, and I would definitely inquire about it with the photographer you choose to go with.
You Get What You Pay For
It’s an age-old saying for a reason. If you choose to go with an amateur who’s just starting out because they have great prices, that’s totally okay, but be aware of what you are getting, that’s all.

I encourage all of you to come to Bozeman to hire Doug and Stana ;). But if that’s not possible, I hope these tips help you have the best family photoshoot experience.