Last week, we talked about capacity. This week, I have consistency on my mind.
I often find myself debating this question: What’s more important—to show up when it feels right, aligned, and when you have something of value to share? Or to be consistent and show up whether you’re feeling it or not?
When I started my first blog, Clear as Mud, my intention was to be consistent: a new post twice a month. How hard could that be?
Ha! Little did I know... I didn’t have anyone holding me accountable except myself, and so it quickly turned into posting only when I felt inspired—when I had something I deemed worthy of sharing. As you can imagine, I ended up being pretty inconsistent. It worked for me at the time, and I’m quite proud of what I built, albeit inconsistently.
(Fun fact: This was how I started being active on Instagram—to direct people to my blog. Over time, it took on its own identity, and I ended up building the most amazing online community. It has brought so much joy to my life, and I’m grateful for it every day.)
Fast forward five years or so, and here I am with a podcast and a new platform, Substack, for my writing. Quite the shift from an inconsistent blog! My goals for my podcast and Substack require a more intentional and steady approach.
I’ve shared many times that podcasting was on my mind for quite a while, but it took me a long time to feel brave—and, frankly, confident—enough to take on a bigger, more official undertaking. I believe with all my heart that there is a time and place for everything. There’s a time and place to make our dreams come true. Being in the thick of baby and toddlerhood was not the time for me, and I’m grateful to have been wise enough to know that.
When I finally felt ready, I knew there was no way I could pull this off on my own. I needed someone to give me deadlines and hold me accountable. It’s just way too easy for life to get in the way. Enter Elie. We had worked together on a few projects, and I knew he was the man for the job. He is my producer and my boss. ;) Yes, I hired and paid someone to tell me what to do and when to do it.
Which brings me full circle to consistency. Knowing what you want and what you need to get there is so important. I was ready to level up from a hobby blog to something bigger—something that, G-d willing, will have longevity and staying power. And that, my friends, takes consistency and determination.
Yes, there are times when I don’t know what I’m going to write about or when inspiration feels elusive. But I’m committed to being predictable and reliable. I won’t promise never to fight the deadlines, and I’m somehow still convinced that I’m the real boss... but I think the joke’s on me.
So, back to the argument in my head that I started this essay with. The debate exists because both consistency and inspiration have value. I think the answer depends on where you are in life and what you’re trying to accomplish. Know your purpose, know your vision, and know the tools you’ll need to get there.
There are times for hobbies and fun without commitments or added stress. You’ll know when—and if—it’s the right time to take on something more.
Dream big, and remember: there’s a time for everything.
With love,